Friday, January 1, 2010


As we start the new year, I just want to say a few things. I was reading J Bean's post on Wednesday, and was kinda shocked. Jonathan Edwards was only twenty, and he had some very high goals. Some that I know that I will break tomorrow. As I consider the goals to make I try to keep two things in mind. First I want my resolutions to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31) and, second, I have to remember that they can't save me (Galatians 2:16) .

For a Christian, resolutions should be a way that we can glorify God and show others that we are different from the world because of what Christ did. We were under bondage to sin but Romans 6:18 says,

"and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves to righteousness."

We are saved through Christ's righteousness, not our own. Our resolutions should not be our way to "get right with God." No one can do that for themselves, because, first, we are not perfect, and, second, Christ has already done it!

Christ did what we could not! He became the sacrifice for our sins, and gave us the credit, so that God now looks at us and says that we are righteous (Romans 5:19). He doesn't say, "oh you'll do." He considers us as righteous as his Son! How could we ever be as righteous as that? We can't, but Christ is for us.

All that being said, the resolutions should not be just a set of rules that we follow mindlessly. If we know this truth of Christ's sacrificial payment, that should make us want to please God in everything we do. Resolutions are reminders of our goal to be holy as Christ is holy (1 Peter 1:5). you can not try to be holy if your just following a set of rules. We have to want to be holy, which isn't always easy, but it is what God commands, and it will bring you closer to Him.

1 comment:

  1. Great first post of the year. I love the continued thought. Faith without works is empty James 1:23-24. But Salvation come through faith so no one can boast Ephesians 2:8-9. Good stuff. Your quite an encouragement to me and to think, I believe you under 20 as well.
