Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back to Life...Back to Reality

So ive been reading through a John Piper book called Future Grace. And up till now i have really enjoyed this book, then i got to the chapter Loving Ministry More Than Life. Just reading the title made me cringe a little because when i read the title it makes me think that i am going to be reading about how i need to put my husband and someday children and sanity and all my energy into ministry until the point that im exhausted. Needless to say i was apprehensive, but ohh Mr. Piper you have done it again. God has used this man to once again break my selfish heart and help me realize that ministry truly is more important than life. It makes me think of that verse in psalms "because your life is better than life, my lips will glorify you."

God has equiped all who are his to do ministry, that may not mean everyone preaches, but we all have different ways that God uses us to minister to others. Piper quotes Henry Martyn who said, "if God has work for me to do I cannot die." I know that sounds extreme until you start to think about it. God does have an appointed purpose for us and until that is fulfilled were aliens in a foreign land. Now im sure that doesn't mean go and do all kinds of risky things that put your life in danger and it probably doesn' t mean that you will never suffer or do things you don't want to do, but if we try to save our lives so that we can do ministry we've got it wrong. We should lose our lives for Christ and all that He has done for us. So lets get back to life and back to reality.

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