Thursday, July 1, 2010

the truth about man

Confession: for a very short time in my life i really really liked communism/socialism. the idea of people working together and taking care of everyone's needs and looking out for the greater good was just so wonderful to me. i was even tossing around the idea of living in a commune minus all the drugs and different sexual partners. But God in his sovereignty had me take a comparative economics class for my degree where we learned about different communist nations and different capitalist nations. And even better was just learning the ideals and where these two very different systems came from. I remember sitting in class and looking at the basic structures of communism and as i read "man is inherentely good and will work for the good of his fellow man" i knew that was wrong. All i could think was yeah "Romans says the complete opposite and im go with God on this one not Karl Marx."

i don't mean to start any kind of political discussion but rather write abou tour depravity and that man is not inherently good. Were not, lets face it we are evil fallen people capable of all kinds of sin if given the opportunity. We couldn't even choose God if we wanted to because we are dead in our trespasses and the uncircumsision of our flesh (colossians 2:13). If something is dead can it choose anything at all? No, therefore we certainly cant choose what is righteous and true. Our nature is sin thats why there is evil in the world because it is post genesis 3.

As bad as this is, our depravity, there is still hope that we have in christ. He rescued us from our fallen state and has paid the price for our sin and though we will still struggle with our flesh, we are reconciled to God and able, by the holy spirit, to be changed from the inside out and be more like christ.

anyone who says that man isn't inherently evil needs a reality check i would suggest either turning on the news to look at stories of who is killing who, or just watching children play. Both will prove that man is selfish and seeks his own desires when not ransomed to christ.

grace and peace
sarah B.

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