Thursday, July 22, 2010

be great

i remember a time in my life when i wanted to be remembered. i wanted to live a great life and do something incredible and be remembered for my greatness. it was absolutely selfish of me because i wanted to be remembered for me, for being Sarah not for living for the glory of God. Thankfully God has been merciful and taken that silly idea out of my heart and replaced it with wanting to live for him. To lose my life for his sake rather than gaining the world and losing my soul.

I am still reading through the 5 points of calvinism and came across another wonderful quote in the appendix called "the practical importance of predestination" by loraine boettner. It has much to do with God's sovereignty but also with making our lives count for the glory of God:
"When a person sees himself as one of the Lord's chosen and knows that every one of his acts has an eternal significance, he realizes more clearly how serious life is, and he is fired with a new determination tomake his life count for great things." I can't make my life count for anything, there is nothing that i can do that people will remember for forever and ever and ever and if i lived for myself what a waste that would be. But when i give my life to let God use for his purposes and trust that he is sovereign that opens up so many doors for God to do whatever brings him most glory. i can only pray that i will be open to where the lord guides and directs, no matter what the circumstance. and i definitely hope that my glory doesn't ever get in the way of that. don't be great for you, be great for God

Grace and Peace
sarah B.

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