Friday, May 14, 2010

Short Prayer of a Highschool Graduate

Lord, thank you so much for saving me and for extending your gift of salvation. I would be nowhere without you. I would still be enslaved to sin and seeking after my own happiness by every means that I would want to. You have blessed me with so much throughout my life at home. You have given me good parents that teach me from your word. You have also given me mentors that desire my sanctification. Thank you for all the blessing you have given me during these first 18 years of my life. I pray that you would continue to show me that all of the glory and credit for any accomplishment during that time goes to You and You alone.

I pray that you would go before me. I know that you have already planned my life and are in control, Lord. Thank you for your interest in me, a sinner. It's humbling to know that you care about us in so much that a hair doesn't fall from ours heads without your knowledge. You see my heart and know that I am wicked, but you forgive me anyways. Thank you. I pray that you would forgive the shortcomings that I will commit later in life. I pray for strength and courage to be devoted to you, especially in college. Give me wisdom and discerning to relate and be a light to those whom I will meet in life.

Thank you again, Lord, for sending your Son to die, so that I might be freed from sin and be able to share the wonderful news of Savior who wishes to save His people. It's in His name that I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Son, amen. You are a blessing to me and Dad. We are so proud of you and thankful for what God has done in your life INSPITE of us! May He keep you and may you CLING to Him as you leave us to start your own journey. Love you!
