Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Photo by Vic Orenstein

(note: this post is not to shame moms into anything. Mothers day is coming and I wanted to post on the new found respect that I have for the role of parenting that came through this quote/thought process.)
Moms have a tough job. I have recently come to a greater respect for that seeing my wife carry out normal everyday tasks without motherhood responsibilities. Looking back I see in my childhood where I made it even more difficult for my mom. There have to be many joys that come with motherhood because I am fully aware of the emotional pains that my siblings and I have cause our mother over the years.

On a car ride this Sunday there was a quote by Charles Spurgeon that was brought to my attention. This has shaken me into a reality check of new proportions when pondering parenthood.
First the context for the mind blowing revelation is remembering this quote
"If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms around their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for. - C.H. Spurgeon

How important is the job of a parent? The responsibility of carrying the gospel and sharing it with your children. And even more so teaching them that god is sovereign and completely just.
With that being taught it must also be believed...
“seek God for yourself; or rather, God must seek you. You must have vital experience of godliness in you heart, or else you are lost, even though all your friends were in heaven. That was a dreadful dream which a pious mother once had, and told to her children. She thought the judgment day was come. The great books were opened. They all stood before God. And Jesus Christ said, "Separate the chaff from the wheat; put the goats on the left hand, and the sheep on the right. The mother dreamed that she and her children were standing just in the middle of the great assembly. And the angel came, and said, "I must take the mother, she is a sheep: she must go to the right hand. The children are goats: they must go on the left." She thought as she went, her children clutched her, and said, "Mother, can we part? Must we be separated?" She then put her arms around them, and seemed to say, "My children, I would, if possible, take you with me." But in a moment the angel touched her; her cheeks were dried, and now, overcoming natural affection, being rendered supernatural and sublime, resigned to God's will, she said, "My children, I taught you well, I trained you up, and you forsook the ways of God; and now all I have to say is, Amen to you condemnation." - C.H. Spurgeon

The gut wrenching thought, and yet how beautiful to know the perfect righteous God will always be just in His actions. And that no man will enter the without the cover of Christ's blood.
Ephesians 2:1-10

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