Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Considering Heaven: A Motivation

We have already looked at the fact that meditating on Heaven brings blessing. What I would like to think about in this post is the idea that meditating on Heaven brings motivation. I do believe that when we spend time thinking about, reading about, meditating on, and singing about Heaven we will find motivation to seek to be who our Father has called us to be. If we set our minds on things above, then I believe that our hearts will experience motivation for obedience, love, and sacrifice.

We have been commanded to be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy (1 Peter 1:14-16). Jesus said that the pure in heart are blessed because they shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Though we do not obey God's law in order to earn salvation, we do seek to obey His word because we love Him and we want to live lives of worship. When, by faith, we meditate through the Scriptures upon the glorious perfection and the infinite purity of our King on His throne, then the impurities of the world seem all the more vile and repulsive. When our minds biblically picture our Savior reigning in the New Heavens and the New Earth, where the old things have faded, where newness and restoration abound, where sin has no place, then our desires for the fleeting pleasures of sin are weakened. If we could realize and think about the beautiful purity of our future home, would it not fill our hearts with zeal in our preparation for it? We ought to begin pursuing and enjoying this purity and righteousness all the more today so "that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming"(1 John 2:28). We ought to find motivation for obedience when we meditate on the pure, spotless, and perfect place to which we are going.

God has called His children to love. Jesus summarizes the commandments by saying we ought to love God and love God's image-bearers (Matthew 22:37-40). We are on our way to the Kingdom of love. When we think about the beautiful, tender, affectionate love that rules in Heaven, we ought to be motivated all the more to love others! What a love God lavishes upon us! God will be with us and we will be His people in His presence. God's love is so indescribably astounding. In the gospels we see God wiping away dirt from people's feet; in Revelation we see God wiping away tears from people's eyes. The thought of God dwelling with His people is breath-takingly stunning enough, yet He also wipes away the tears of His children! The holy Maker of all things brushes away the tears from the faces of the people that He created, loved, and adopted as His children. What a lavish, affectionate, and motivating love! Jesus went to prepare a place for us. God is getting ready to welcome us home to a place that is filled with infinite, matchless, and majestic love. How much should we love others in light of the love God has shown us and will show us? We should even love our enemies in light of the reward. "But love your enemies, and do good, and lend expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High" (Luke 6:35). Reminding our souls of the glorious Kingdom where love is so brilliantly shining should bring motivation for us to love God and love people.

To meditate upon Heaven is to meditate upon sacrifice. When we read through Revelation it can be surprising to see the songs of violence that are sung.
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" -Revelation 5:12
The only reason we can have hope of Heaven is because of sacrifice. The only reason that we can meditate upon Heaven is because of sacrifice, so we aren't meditating on Heaven biblically if we don't think about the Lamb that was slain. The Author of life, our precious Christ, was murdered that "he might taste death for everyone" (Hebrews 2:9). Jesus Christ was killed and raised up so that we could know God and have everlasting life. How could we not now make any sacrifice necessary for Him? He laid down His life that we might know an abundant and eternal life. When we reflect upon Heaven's song of sacrifice, we ought to be driven to give up whatever needs to be given so that our worship might be holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1). When we gaze upon the picture in Revelation of the lamb that was slain we ought to find motivation to make any physical, mental, spiritual, philosophical, or financial sacrifice that needs to be made that we might glorify our Savior.

Filling our minds with thoughts of Heaven not only brings blessing but it also brings motivation. We ought to be stirring up in our souls and in the souls of others excitement about our future dwelling place with our King. When we increase in Heavenly-mindedness then we will have fewer worldly distractions and our hearts will desire greater things for our Lord. If we set our minds on things above, then I believe, by God's grace, we will be more motivated to pursue obedience, love, and sacrifice for the sake of our great and awesome Creator.

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