Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last week i talked about roles and how males and females have different roles but they complement each other perfectly. this week i want to focus some more on that, but also male headship, and possibly get into feminism a bit.

So male headship exists in marriage...why? because thats how God has arranged it. ( 1 Corinthians 11:3). A good way to look at this is: God the Father has authority over the Son, even both are equal in deity. Its similar in marriage the husband has authority over the wife, even though both are equal in personhood. And just in case anyone has the idea that roles and male authority came after the fall, they are wrong. Yes Genesis 3:16 (post-fall) says "Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you", but there are a few things to point out. Adam was created first and then eve, eve was created as a helper for adam not the other way around, adam named eve, God named the human race "man" not "woman", the serpent came to eve first, God spoke to Adam first after the fall, and adam represented the human race. The curse wasn't the invention of roles, but it did bring about a distortion of them that to this day is being fought. All of these prove, in different ways, that headship belonged to the man. Personally im gratefull, how nice to have that burden lifted off my shoulders, i think i can lead in some ways, but this is one where i will gladly pass it along to jonathan and support him as he leads our family.

So why is it important for men to lead? and women, why don't we let them? We should let men lead because its their role that God has created them for. Ladies, we are great at getting things done and being supportive and empathetic and helping and nurturing and making decisions and hopefully your husband or future husband lets you in on decisions and seeks your wisdom and advice, but ultimately we do not have the final say and we need to be ok with that. The truth is that most women aren't, heck even i think i could do a better job sometimes, and the fact that im admitting that and your thinking that proves we are totally depraved human beings and we need christ. Before the fall adam ruled over eve harmoniously, after the fall we are born to want to usurp the mans leadership position. "He shall rule over us", but now we get pouty and moody and headaches and puffed up with the notion that we could do it better. when we can't because we aren't made to.

So ladies use the brain that God gave you and wait (don't find because you are to be pursued) for a good Godly man that you would want to lead you and have little to no problems submitting to. And everyone else sorry we didn't get around to feminism, we'll save it for next week.

Grace and Peace
sarah B.

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