Thursday, November 19, 2009

WOMAN, woman, weeman,w

a few weeks ago i saw the cover of Time magazine..."The State of the American Woman" , i passed it off, but it has come back to me through a brother in law and i think its a good time to talk about womanhood, feminism, and most importantly biblical womanhood. now im no bible scholar or theologian, but i do like (well love) the word of God. im definitely not going to tackle this ginormous topic tonight, but i do hope in the coming weeks to shed some light on this subject.

To start off, the article in Time magazine was specifically about how women are more powerful, yet still unhappy. there was some talk about the feminist movement and how quickly it has progressed.

So what does the bible say about feminism? What is biblical womanhood? Why does it matter? What importance do gender roles have if any at all?

These will be coming up in the following weeks, i am hoping to get some dialogue going, so feel free to comment. In the meantime here is a verse to chew on that will hopefully kick off this topic.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27


  1. We have had a lot of debates about that in our Comp 1 class. There are quite a few feminists in the class, though their definitions of the word vary.We got onto the topic of women pastors and some of the kids from BCLR spoke up about it.This was like a month or two ago.Well Tuesday one of the guys came in saying that he had told his mother about the discussion and that she wanted to come talk to us about it. He said she believed the Bible (though I don't remember her denomination, if she had one).

    He asked us where in the Bible it talked about the fact that women shouldn't be pastors and Tanner Oxner mentioned 1 Timothy 2:11-15. I don't know if you were going to talk about it and I have messed that up, but it was just something that I have personally been going through and it's just awesome to see how explicit the word of God can be.I don't like that people don't believe the word of God, but I like to see the Bible offend people, because Jesus said that's exactly what it will do.

  2. Go Sarah this is a good issue to tackle!!!

    Grace upon grace,
