Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everything is perfect in His plan.

Today my assignment at work was to read some scholarly articles about marriage and cohabitation and how children fare between the two. I had to read 10 and i got through about 4. What i loved most as i turned page after page was that each article came to the same conclusion...that children in married couples had fewer problems (emotionally and behavioral), were closer to their parents, were more likely to excel financially, and less likely to have their marriages end in divorce once adults. It was also great to read that married couples fare better as well when it comes to caring for one another, sympathizing with one another, taking responsibility, sharing, and intimacy. The funny thing about the authors of these articles is that they would all most likely argue that cohabitation is ok. Pretty strange when hard evidence points to the contrary.

I didn't want to write about marriage versus cohabitation, but more so on God's created order of things. In Genesis 2:24 we see that "A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh." In our society today there is a widely popular idea that before you get married you should "test the waters" and move in with your boyfriend/girlfriend. The problem with that is that God has ordained this becoming one flesh and living under one roof thing for marriage because that's how it works best and is the most glorify to Him. (I don't feel the need to give examples of why it works best, because of the above mentioned reasons, and there are more beyond those.)

What naturally follows getting married and living under one roof in a new established "one flesh" household?...babies! And once again we see that its perfect this way, just as God designed. Children need to grow up in the security ( and i don't mean financial) of having a mother and father who love each other and who love them, not with mom and mom's new boyfriend who may be around for just a few years at maximum. Where's the stability in that?

God's plan is absolutely perfect and needs no reinvention, even in this post modern age.
Grace and Peace

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