Thursday, October 29, 2009

"...any good-hearted goal, without the desire to give people eternal joy in God, is condemnation with a kind face." John Piper

For the month of october i have been reading through John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. When i read the above quote i was basically slapped in the face. This is so blunt, so honest...and so true. This can range from the good intention of building a relationship with people, that you work with for example, so that you can tell them about Christ but never actually do because you don't want to be met with criticism or come off as "judgemental" or you just don't really know what to say (which i personally am guilty of). All the way to well meaning organizations that feed, clothe, and shelter impoverished families all the way around the globe.

I remember working with a girl for a while at a restaurant and we had built a pretty good relationship. One night a table was keeping her there pretty late. I could hear the conversation and turns out the lady at the table was telling her about jesus. i remember being annoyed with this woman because to me she was being inconsiderate by holding this waitress up and she had never met my friend before in her life, therefore butting into business that wasn't her right to know. When i told my fiance, now my husband, later on that night i could not stop crying over his response. He said in that moment, this woman loved my coworker more than i had, because she shared the gospel with her...something i had never done in all my time of knowing her. And he was right.

If we truly loved people and thirsted for souls to be won to Christ, we aren't glorifying God by being silent. So love people by telling them about Christ.

Grace and Peace.

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