Thursday, February 25, 2010

By accepting Jesus into my heart i knew that i was a sinner and had offended a Holy God, but if God had let me know just how evil and sinful i am...i don't think i would have become a christian (well i don't want to mess with the sovereignty of God so ill stop here). Im sure i would have thought in my sweet little 15 to 16 year old brain "surely God not me, i couldn't possibly that sinful", but as it turns out i am. one of the beautiful things about becoming a christian is that we get Christ in us and with that we get conviction and we begin sanctification, (god making us more like him and less like the sinful jerks we are).

i am prone to think highly of myself and to constantly pray that i would see my need for christ and any sins in my life. theres a song that captures it so beautifully ill just put a few lines

"im broken, and im bent to sin
im desperate, and im dirty within
you are my hope, you are my joy
you are my reason for living"

the whole song is great but i love these words because they constantly remind me of what scripture says for examply Titus 3:3 "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another." There are plenty of other scriptures that confirm that our hearts are wicked and far from God, that we were dead in our sins and could only be brought back to life by Jesus. It amazes me that people think that they are "good", this human concept of "oh im not as bad as that guy" idea that is total nonsense.

So i know this has been kind of a rant, but it really is so important for us as christians to grasp our depravity and how badly we need Christ, otherwise how can we truly appreciate Christ and grow deeper in our walks?

Grace and Peace
sarah B.

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