Thursday, August 19, 2010

churchy churches

I share another blog with some close girlfriends of mine where we can catch-up, vent, tell what good and bad things are going on in our lives and what prayer we need. its really refreshing and been such a blessing to still get to be a part of their lives even though we are all far away from each other.

Recently one of the gals posted on a church that her and her husband have been visiting and she was quite upset and saddened at the direction this pastor is taking his church. This pastor was really focused on "creating an environment"to bring people in and make them comfortable. I completely agree with her when she says that church is for believers and were christians go to be filled and gather together and grow, then we go out to make disciples. Please don't misunderstand, i am not in any way opposed to bringing the lost to church, but the service and programs don't need to be centered around making them happy, not hurting their feelings, or offending them. Services need to be centered around the gospel.

This pastor also talked about how he didn't like that christians have a "feed me" mentality and impersonated someone in a whiny voice, walking around all droopy and pathetic. What is pastors role if he isn't feeding his flock? I understand how some pastors get tired of people just coming to listen and be fed, but then don' t do anything which is a bad thing. But a pastor needs to be able to teach and feed the church members. there were a few other things that were bothersome, but it makes me realize that i dont' need to take my church and the teaching there for granted. and also that not every church is preaching the gospel. some churches are really just social justice projects cloaked with the "gospel" others fall under the all too common prosperity gospel and dont even mention sin and our need for the cross.

If you belong to a church that gives the whole gospel, be grateful and thank your pastor. If your searching for a church, be picky and find one that does give the whole gospel.

grace and peace

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for this post because you get this concept and put it so simply. Church is for believers. That doesn't mean it's a secret society or that evangelism shouldn't occur in the building (it most certainly should!) but the primary purpose for the church is edification of the saints. To think that a pastor would defy his job description by mocking those who ask for what the Bible describes in church is reprehensable.

    Grace and Peace...

